Industrial activities that develop uncontrollably with the increasing world population increase human pressures on limited natural resources and reveal many environmental problems. Especially in the last century, responding to this rapid change, especially global warming and its effects, environmental pollution, deforestation, destruction of agricultural areas, access to healthy food and water, ecological problems, epidemic diseases, etc. Scientific research plays a key role in minimizing the problems. From this point of view, the reuse of recycled materials plays a critical role in ensuring the sustainable use of natural resources. The current Covid-19 pandemic is a powerful reminder of this necessity.
Due to the limited world oil and coal reserves and the negative effects of the use of these resources on the environment, intensive research on renewable resources continues. Materials obtained from renewable resources are also very important substances for sustainable development. Plant oils (plant oil triglycerides) as renewable resources are emerging as a very important resource. In this book, the structures of plant oil triglycerides, their reactive parts, the reactions they give and the different polymers obtained are explained simply and in a language that can be understood by almost everyone. I believe that this work, which also explains the synthesis methods, will be a good reference for researchers on the subject.